Modern Slavery Statement


At Tripledot Studios, we are committed to ethical practices and the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of our business. As a leading UK-based mobile games company, we recognize the responsibility we have to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. This statement outlines the steps we are taking to ensure that modern slavery is not occurring within our business or supply chains.

Our Business

Tripledot Studios is a mobile games company headquartered in the UK. We develop, publish, and market a portfolio of mobile games enjoyed by millions of users globally. While the nature of our business involves digital products, we understand that modern slavery can occur in various forms, including forced labor, bonded labor, and human trafficking, and we are committed to preventing such abuses in all areas of our operations.

Our Commitment

Tripledot Studios fully supports the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and is dedicated to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking are not present in any part of our business or supply chain. We strive to operate ethically and responsibly, both within our company and with our partners, and we expect the same commitment from all of our suppliers and business partners.

Our Supply Chain

As a mobile games company, our direct supply chain primarily involves partnerships with technology providers, software developers, and marketing agencies. While the risk of modern slavery within our immediate business operations is low, we are mindful of potential risks further down the supply chain, particularly in relation to the production of hardware and other technology components.

We aim to work with suppliers who share our commitment to human rights, labor rights, and ethical standards.


Our Policies

We have a number of internal policies that help ensure we are upholding our commitment to preventing modern slavery, including:

  • Code of Conduct: We maintain a Code of Conduct that prohibits modern slavery and applies to all employees and business partners.
  • Supplier Expectations: Our suppliers are required to adhere to ethical practices, including the prohibition of forced labor and human trafficking.
  • Whistleblowing: We encourage reporting of any concerns related to modern slavery through our confidential channels.

Ongoing Assessment and Review

Tripledot Studios is committed to continuously assessing and improving our practices to prevent modern slavery. We regularly review our policies, supply chains, and business practices to ensure we are effectively mitigating risks. As our business evolves, we will continue to update our approach to address new challenges and opportunities for improving our anti-slavery measures.


Tripledot Studios will not tolerate any form of modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chain. We are committed to doing our part to combat these abuses and to promoting ethical practices throughout the mobile gaming industry.

This statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 2024.

Lior Shiff
CEO, Tripledot Studios
Date: Sep 2024